The AFMLABC was initiated in 1987
Garde Gardom (Vancouver Point Grey 1969-1986) discussed with other colleagues the need for a method of maintaining contact with other former MLAs. There was agreement that such a vehicle must be nonpartisan. The founders of the organization were Garde B. Gardom (MLA Vancouver-Point Grey, 1966-1986); Dennis G. Cocke (MLA New Westminster, 1969-1986); Donald A. Marshall (MLA South Peace River, 1969-1972); Gordon F. Gibson (MLA North Vancouver-Capilano, 1974-1979); and James A. Nielsen (MLA Richmond, 1975-1986). The founders represented every political party that was active in the province at that time. On Christmas Eve of 1987 the organization was incorporated under The Society Act.
In 1997 Bill 55 was presented to the Legislature by Attorney General Ujjal Dosanjh. The Bill proclaimed that the Association of Ex–MLAs would move to a formal Act of the Legislature of BC. It would now be known as the Association of the Former MLAs of BC.
The first Dinner for the Association took place in 1991. It continues to be held often at Government House.
The respected publication of the Association’s monthly newsletter, Orders Of The Day (OOTD) began in 1994 under the guidance of Bob McLelland (MLA Langley, 1972-1986). It continued under Hugh Curtis (MLA Saanich and the Islands, 1972-1986) until 2014. Following Hugh’s passing, it has been written, edited and compiled by Brian Kieran, former journalist, and Rob Lee who is a long time supporter of the Association and a close friend of Hugh Curtis.